Now that we are in the third resistance mission of season 2, you should be accumulating XP. This time, instead of destruction, we are dealing with how to deliver a tank to an advanced position of seven. As you will certainly know, to start this search, we went to "establish an uplink of the device near Command Cavern." There are three places around Command Cavern to find the audio check-in: How to deliver a tank to an advanced position Seven The point at the bottom right gives you sufficient distance from Command Cavern so you can run away once you have taken the hologram audio log. It will be located here: Your new goal of "delivering a tank to an advanced position Seven" gives you exactly the same options as when you had to set up an uplink of the device in the previous search. Since you have just made the mission to damage a tank to get the armor samples, you know exactly where to go to find an easy. For those who did not follow our method, they can find...